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This series consists of exercise workbooks in which the contents, in accordance with the Quebec Education Program, aim at developing competencies, most notably the following three disciplinary competencies: “Solving situational problems”, “Using mathematical reasoning” and “Communicating using the language of mathematics”.

Each workbook of the series is divided into chapters that delve into different branches of mathematics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics.


This series consists of exercise workbooks in which the contents, in accordance with the Quebec Education Program, aim at developing competencies, most notably the following three disciplinary competencies: “Solving situational problems”, “Using mathematical reasoning” and “Communicating using the language of mathematics”. Each workbook of the series is divided into chapters that delve into different branches of mathematics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics.

Additional Information

ISBN 9782760170339
Date of Publication 2008
Publishing house Guérin Éditeur Ltee
Language English
Maximum Price - discounts apply. For more details see Prices

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