Passer au Contenu

1. Ownership and copyright

You acknowledge that any and all information and content, including without limitation, all reports, data, databases, graphics, photos, interfaces, web pages, text, files, software, product names, company names, trademarks commerce, logos and trade names contained in this website (collectively, “Content”),
including the manner in which the Content is presented or appears as well as all information relating thereto, are the property of their respective owners as indicated, COPIBEC or its licensors, as the case may be.


2.  Surveillance

You acknowledge that COPIBEC may monitor access to this website, use thereof and all other activities relating thereto, and that it may intervene in this regard, but that it makes no declaration and makes no guarantee as to whether or not it will exercise such monitoring or whether or not it will make such an intervention.

You hereby consent to such monitoring and intervention.


3. Restrictions on use

Unless expressly authorized by COPIBEC, you undertake not to:

  1. Reproduce or communicate to the public by telecommunication, the Content for any purpose, including, without limitation, downloading the Content for the purpose of compiling a database;

  2. Use robots or other similar data gathering and extraction methods in relation to this website; Or

  3. Create derivative works, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, adapt, translate, transmit, arrange, modify, copy, bundle, sell, sublicense, export, merge, transfer, rent, lease, assign, share, outsource, host, publish , make available to anyone or otherwise use, whether directly or indirectly, the Content in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, whether physical, electronic or otherwise.

    You must not grant any permission or authorization or do anything that would infringe or otherwise infringe the proprietary rights of COPIBEC or its licensors or that would permit any third party to have access to the Content.

    The restrictions set forth in these Terms shall not apply to the limited extent or extent such restrictions are prohibited by law;

  4. Disseminate either on or through this website any information or content that could be harmful to third parties.
    You undertake in particular not to include, knowingly or otherwise, any error or defect in any information which could, among other things, constitute defamatory libel, defamation or damage to the reputation of others or even result in the commission of a criminal offense or civil liability involving any person or entity.

    You warrant that any information or content you provide to COPIBEC electronically through your access to or use of this website does not infringe the rights of any person or entity.

4. Privacy and confidentiality

COPIBEC undertakes to take all reasonable measures necessary to ensure respect for your privacy with regard to any personal information you provide and COPIBEC will respect the principles and conditions set out in its Privacy Policy in accordance with the requirements of applicable privacy legislation, including the requirements, measures, exclusions and exceptions provided for therein.

Despite the efforts made and the measures taken by COPIBEC to ensure the protection of your personal information, the risk that the confidential or personal nature of this information is violated, lost or otherwise affected cannot be excluded.

Subject to applicable privacy legislation in Canada, it is understood that by accessing and using this website, making or submitting a request for information regarding COPIBEC products or services identified on this website, you consent to the collection, disclosure, retention and destruction of personal information that COPIBEC needs for the purposes indicated in the Privacy Policy or for use consistent with such purposes.


5. Email

Any unencrypted electronic communication transmitted over the Internet, as is the case with any communication transmitted by any other medium, such as cellular telephones, is neither secure nor confidential, and is subject to interception, loss or modification. COPIBEC does not encourage anyone to send it information, including personal information, unencrypted by electronic mail.

There are other, more secure ways to communicate with COPIBEC via the Internet. COPIBEC is not responsible and cannot be held liable to you or any third party for any damage or harm suffered in relation to an email sent to COPIBEC, or by COPIBEC at your request.


6. Hyperlinks and software downloads

This website may contain hyperlinks to or from other websites. COPIBEC assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or appropriateness of the information, data, opinions, opinions or statements contained in these other sites, and when you access such other sites, you do so at your own risk.

Even if it provides hyperlinks with other sites, COPIBEC does not act in any way as a publisher or disseminator of the material included in these other sites and it does not intend to monitor or control such other sites.

A hyperlink with another site should not be interpreted as meaning that COPIBEC is affiliated or associated with the site in question or has links with it.


Mention of a third party or a third party's product or service on this website should not be construed as an endorsement of the third party or product or service in question. You may not create a hyperlink to this website without the express written consent of COPIBEC.

Although COPIBEC makes efforts to ensure that any software provided on this website can be used on a wide variety of computer systems, you must take reasonable and appropriate precautions to detect computer viruses and ensure compatibility of the software with your own computer system.

You should also ensure that you have up-to-date backup copies of all contents on your hard drive before installing any software downloaded from this website.


7. Lack of Warranties, Representations and Conditions

COPIBEC does not give, make or set, as the case may be, any warranty, representation or condition whatsoever, express or implied, by law, trade practice or otherwise, regarding the functionality or condition of this site. Web or its Content, including, without limitation, warranties as to merchantability, performance, non-infringement, title, usefulness, completeness, accuracy, adequacy, timeliness, reliability or suitability for a particular purpose.

Without limiting the general scope of the foregoing, COPIBEC does not give, do or set, as the case may be, any guarantee, declaration or condition, express or implied, under the terms of which the Content, accessed from this website or through it, will be uninterrupted or free from errors, omissions, defects, viruses or other harmful elements, or that a similar problem, if any arises, will be corrected.


8. Exclusion of liability

COPIBEC, its agents, employees, administrators, managers, persons belonging to the same group as it and persons having links with the creation of this Website or its Content are in no way responsible, either towards you or towards third parties, for any claims, losses, costs, expenses or damages whatsoever, including direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages arising from this website or its Content or access to or use of them.

Without limitation and notwithstanding anything to the contrary, COPIBEC is in no way responsible, either to you or to any third party, for any claims, losses, costs, expenses or damages arising from the following or related to the following:

  1. poor performance, delays, interruptions, breakdowns of communications lines or systems, including communications failures affecting the transmission, accuracy or timeliness of information, materials, messages or instructions between you and COPIBEC and/or preventing information, material, messages or instructions from being transmitted in whole or in part or contracts being concluded between you and COPIBEC;

  2. your inability to access, at any time, any part of this Website or any Content, products or services provided on this Website;

  3. any damage or destruction to your computer files or data for any reason, including viruses, “worms,” “Trojan horses” or other intrusive, disruptive or destructive programs or files;

  4. the lack of convenience, reliability, timeliness or availability of this Website or any element of the Content or products or services offered on this Website;

  5. the failure on the part of COPIBEC to take measures

The above exclusions and limitations apply whether the claims, losses, costs or damages are based in contract (including a breach of an essential term of a contract), tort or any other theory of liability, and these limitations and exclusions apply even if COPIBEC has been advised of the possibility of such claims or losses or even such costs or damages.

Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of moral, bodily, incidental or consequential damages, COPIBEC's liability in such jurisdictions is limited to the extent permitted by law.


9. Compensation

You undertake at all times to indemnify, defend and hold harmless COPIBEC, its agents, suppliers, persons belonging to the same group and their respective directors and employees with regard to any actions or proceedings, any costs, any claims, any damages, all liabilities and expenses whatsoever (including legal costs and attorney's fees and disbursements) suffered, incurred or paid by COPIBEC directly or indirectly with respect to the following:

  • any information or other content that you provide on or through this website or that is sent to COPIBEC by email or other means of correspondence; Or
  • your use or misuse of the Content or this Website, including, without limitation, claims of infringement.

10. Applicable law

COPIBEC, is physically located in the province of Quebec, Canada. This website and these terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the province of Quebec as well as the federal laws of Canada applicable in that province and must be treated in all respects as a contract, without regard to the principles governing conflicts of law. laws.
In the event of a dispute, you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Quebec.


11.  Modifications

  • Modification of these terms and conditions COPIBEC may modify, change or otherwise update the conditions applicable to this website at any time. COPIBEC will notify you of any changes to these conditions by posting a notice of the changes in question on this website or by sending you a notice by email. Your continued use of this Website following the posting or delivery of such notice of change signifies acceptance of the terms as so modified.

If you do not agree to any modification of these terms, you must immediately stop using this website.

  • Change to Content. The Content may be modified at any time, without prior notice.



Updated: September 2023


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