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The instructional material available on digital media (the “Work”) must be used by each student in compliance with the terms set out below:

1. The following terms and conditions apply if you are making the purchase as an individual or a postsecondary educational institution:
a) You must have been diagnosed with a sensory, physical or neurological disability which has been confirmed by a physician and you must have been referred to Copibec by your educational institution.

b) You must be duly enrolled in an educational institution.

c) Only you can use the Work.

d) You cannot sell, lend or reproduce the Work or authorize anyone else to take those actions.

e) The Work may be downloaded and saved if necessary for the purpose of using assistive software.

2. The following terms and conditions apply if you are making the purchase as an educational institution at the elementary/secondary level:
a) Each Work must be used solely for the benefit of a student with a sensory, physical or neurological disability, in compliance with the analysis and action plan developed for that student.

b) The student using a Work must be duly enrolled in an educational institution.

c) The educational institution certifies to Copibec that a copy of the paper-format version of the Work has been purchased by the educational institution for the benefit of the student (specified in paragraph 1).

d) The use of each Work is subject to the same terms as its paper-format version. For example:
a) In the case of a textbook, a digital copy of the Work must be purchased for every relevant student; no more than one student per school year may use that copy of the Work.

b) In the case of an exercise book or any other consumable instructional material intended to be used in its entirety by the student during the school year, one digital copy of the Work must be purchased per school year, per relevant student. The same copy of a Work cannot be reused during another school year, except in the specific case of a student taking more than one school year to complete a grade level. In that case, the student may keep the digital-format exercise book until the grade level is completed.

e) The Work cannot be reproduced, downloaded or saved under any circumstances. The educational institution must inform the student and/or the person responsible for the student that they are not allowed to reproduce, download or save the Work.

f) Notwithstanding the foregoing, temporary downloading in order to use assistive software is authorized hereunder.

g) The Work cannot be resold, shared or distributed to a third party under any circumstances.


To deliver an accessible version of a textbook or educational fiction book, each publisher may, at its discretion, decide whether or not to charge a cost corresponding to the price of the paper-format version of the textbook or educational fiction book, as posted on the publisher’s website. If applicable, the party making the request must pay the price set by the publisher for each copy of the Work, plus the service charge. To purchase an accessible version of an exercise book or any other consumable instructional material, the requesting party must pay only the Copibec service charge.

Service charge: The requesting party must pay the $6 service charge per title ordered, regardless of the number of copies (e.g. 20 or 3 copies of a title = $6 service charge. But 1 copy each of 3 different titles = $18 service charge).

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